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The 8th Forum on conservation and technology of stained glass was held in Paris (France) on July 8th-10th 2015. The two-day conferences were followed by site visits in Paris.

The 24th colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum was held in York on July 7th-10th 2014. It gathered 130 participants. The 2-day conferences were followed by site visits. The theme was "Word and Image".

The 8th Forum on conservation and technology of stained glass was held in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) together with an interim meeting of the ICOM-CC working group on Glass and Ceramics, on October 7th-10th 2013. The three-day conferences were followed by one day of site visits.

The 7th Forum on the conservation and technology of historical stained glass was held in Lisbon (Portugal), 26-28 September 2011. The theme was  Stained Glass after 1920, technology and conservation.

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