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The initiative in creating an International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass is taken jointly by the International Council of Monuments and Sites and by the Corpus Vitrearum.
The International Council on Monuments and Sites is an association of professionals throughout the world that currently brings together over 7500 members. ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organization of this kind, which is dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Its work is based on the principles enshrined in the 1964 International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter).
The Corpus Vitrearum was established in 1952 and operates under the aegis of the Comité International de l'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA) and the Union Académique Internationale (UAI). The aim of the Corpus Vitrearum is the thorough scholarly investigation and documentation of all medieval European stained glass windows. The scope may be extended to a pre-Gothic Revival date for those countries in which important post-medieval stained glass windows are found. The work of the Corpus Vitrearum involves the application of rigorous critical methods to establish authenticity and to study the techniques used in the production of stained glass. Its organization includes an International Committee presided over by an elected Board, an International Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass, and National Committees of countries in Europe and North America which possess medieval stained glass windows either in monuments or in collections
Article 1 - Establishment
The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") was created in 1984 by ICOMOS and the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum and renewed in 2009 as a Hybrid Scientific Committee according to article III C of the Eger-Xi’an Principles for the International Scientific Committees of ICOMOS (adopted by the 15th General Assembly of ICOMOS in 2005).
These statutes were approved by the General Assembly of the Corpus Vitrearum on July 2, 2008 and by the Scientific Council of ICOMOS on October 8, 2009.
They were adopted by the Committee on September 29, 2011.

Article 2 - Objectives
The Committee’s purpose is to promote the knowledge and preservation of stained glass windows, in accordance with the goals and objectives of ICOMOS and the Corpus Vitrearum. Its membership comprises internationally recognized specialists in the field, including art historians, scientists, architects, and conservators-restorers.
Article 3 - Activities
In pursuit of its objectives, the Committee develops activities corresponding to a six-year program including:
·       the production of informational documents and guidelines for the public, by the way of printed publications or a Web site,
·       the organization of scientific conferences or workshops in connection with Committee meetings (i.e. Forums on stained glass conservation topics),
·       the organization of seminars, study trips and site visits,
·       the stimulation of research on conservation-restoration topics.
Article 4 - Membership
4-1. Committee membership is open to ICOMOS and Corpus Vitrearum members with recognized expertise in the area of stained glass conservation.
4-2. Expert members are nominated by the National Committees of ICOMOS and the National Committees of Corpus Vitrearum. In the countries in which both National Committees exist, the expert members are presented jointly. Expert members may also be proposed by members of the Committee. Nominations must be ratified by the Committee, and the list transmitted to the ICOMOS Scientific Council and Corpus Vitrearum International Committee.
4-3. Expert members have the right to vote. Expert members are unlimited in number, but it is desirable to maintain a balance between the various countries represented. Two or three experts per country is recommended. 
4-4. Professionals engaged in the field who are not necessarily members of ICOMOS or of the Corpus Vitrearum may be proposed as Associate Members by a member of the Board and are approved by the Committee. 
4-5. Honorary Members may be nominated by the Committee in acknowledgement of services rendered to the Committee and of activities undertaken in behalf of the Committee’s objectives. 
4-6. Membership in the Committee, other than Honorary Membership, is based on a three-year renewable cycle.  
Article 5 - Administration
5-1. Committee decisions are reached by a simple majority of voting members (more than 50%). Absent members may vote by proxy through a member in attendance at the meeting. A voting member may represent a maximum of two absent voting members by proxy. Should the number of voting Members present at the meeting be less than 50% of the voting members including the proxies, a postal or electronic vote must be organised.
5-2. Committee meetings are held yearly. A written invitation from the Board will be sent to each member at least two months prior to the meeting.
5-3. The Committee can constitute work groups ruled by these Statutes. The president of a workgroup is responsible for the activities of that workgroup which will be approved by the Committee every year. 
5-4. The Committee elects a Board composed of 7 members: a president, a vice-president, a general secretary, and 4 ordinary members for a 3-year period. The board must be composed of experts who are members both of ICOMOS and of the Corpus Vitrearum. This election is carried out either through a secret vote during a Committee meeting or by postal or electronic vote. For this election, the number of votes per country is restricted to 2. The Board is responsible for the preparation of Committee meetings and for the implementation of committee decisions. 
5-5. Members of the Board cannot hold office for more than two consecutive periods of 3 years at the same position.
5-6. The Committee headquarters are located in the office of the president.
5-7. The working languages of the Committee are the official languages of Icomos and Corpus Vitrearum, English French, Spanish and German.
5-8.   The Committee determines an activity program for 3 years. This program clearly and precisely states a series of objectives, a work program, a strategy for its realization, a budget, and a funding plan. This program will be sent to the ICOMOS Executive Committee at least three months prior to the date of the ICOMOS General Assembly and to the Board of the Corpus Vitrearum.
5-9. A yearly report prepared by the Board will be sent to the Committee members, to the Scientific Council of ICOMOS and to the Board of the Corpus Vitrearum. This report will include a list of members, the minutes of the Committee and Board meetings, the reports of the symposia organized by the Committee and the status of the program.
Article 6 - Finances
6-1.    Activities of the Committee can be financed through funds allocated by ICOMOS and the Corpus Vitrearum in their annual budget, through funds collected from international and national organizations and through funding from any other source (donations, legacies, sponsorship) directed towards the realization of the Committee tasks.
6-2. The Committee will prepare an annual budget and will provide a detailed statement of its accounts.
6-3. Committee members will themselves meet the necessary expenditures towards their own participation in Committee activities, including participation in meetings.
Article 7 - Miscellaneous
7-1. The Committee must conform to the administrative and financial requirements of the country where its headquarters are located.
7-2. These Statutes can only be amended by a majority of Committee members through a vote conducted during a regular Committee meeting, through the post, or electronically. For this vote, the number of votes per country is restricted to 2. Any modification must be approved by the Executive Committee of ICOMOS and the General Assembly of the Corpus Vitrearum.
7-3.   These statutes will come into effect after the approval of the ICOMOS Executive Committee and the Corpus Vitrearum general assembly. 
Article 8 – Transitional measures
8.1. The first core group of experts is composed of the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum for the Conservation of Stained Glass.
8.2. The interim chairmanship of the Committee is ensured by the director of the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum for the conservation of stained glass. 
8-3   The interim Board is composed of the Vice-director and the General secretary of the International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum for the conservation of stained glass. 
Article 9 – Dissolution
The decision to discontinue the activities of the Committee and to dissolve it must be taken by the General Assembly of the Corpus Vitrearum and by the Executive Committee of ICOMOS.

Creation date : 07/08/2011 @ 16:11
Last update : 04/01/2012 @ 18:36
Category : Presentation - The Committee
Page read 4350 times

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