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The Working Group Glass and Ceramics, is a working group of ICOM Conservation Committee,ICOM-CC  the largest of the International Committees of ICOM (International Council of Museums) . It  deals with the technology, deterioration, conservation, and restoration of glass and ceramic archaeological, utilitarian, decorative and artistic artifacts and objects. Faience and enamels are included in the materials. To promote conservation, the working group forms networks of experts, including conservators, conservation scientists, and curators. It disseminates information on current conservation research, practice, and education by electronic communication, meetings, and specialty groups.


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Close  The web sites of the governing bodies
Close  Research on conservation
 Results of the European project Constglass : Assessment of Treatments, Studies on Reversibility, and Performance of Innovative Restoration Strategies and Products (2007-2010).

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Close  Publications

 On-line magazine devoted to mediaeval stained glass. In English.


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