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One of the main activities of the committee is the regular organisation, normally biennially, of scientific and technical colloquia, widely open to professionals. They are called Forums on the Conservation and Technology of Stained Glass and are organized by the committee board and by a national committee of the Corpus Vitrearum and/or of ICOMOS.

List of the past Forums

- First International Forum of the CVMA on the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass, Erfurt (Germany), 22–25 September 1993

- Second International Forum of the CVMA on the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass, Liege (Belgium), 19–23 June 1996. Proceedings published in J. Barlet (ed.), Grisaille, Jaune d’Argent, Sanguine, Émail et Peinture à Froid. Techniques et Conservation, Dossier de la Commission royale des Monuments, Sites et Fouilles, III, Liege, 1997

-  Third International Forum of the CVMA on the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass, Fribourg (Switzerland), 24–27 June 1999. Proceedings published in CV Newsletter 47

- Fourth International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, Troyes (France), 17–19 May 2001, Le vitrail comme un tout. Proceedings published in CV Newsletter 48

- Fifth International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, Techniques du vitrail au XIXe siècle, Namur (Belgium), 14–16 June 2007. Proceedings published in I. Lecocq and J. Barlet (eds), Techniques du vitrail au XIXe siècle, Les Dossiers de L’Institut du Patrimoine Wallon, III, Namur, 2010

- Sixth International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, ‘Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century’; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (USA), 1–3 June 2009, in association with the American Corpus Vitrearum. Proceedings published in L. Pilosi and M. Shepherd (eds) The Art of Collaboration: Stained Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, Turnhout, 2010


-Seventh  International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, Stained Glass after 1920, technology and conservation, Lisbon (Portugal), 26-28 September 2011. Proceedings forthcoming. See the Conclusions by Isabelle Pallot-Frossard.

- Heighth International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, 7-10 october 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Proceedings published in Recent advances in glass, stained-glass, and ceramics conservation : ICOM-CC Glass and ceramics working group interim meeting and Forum of the international scientific committee for the conservation of stained glass (Corpus Vitrearum-ICOMOS) / edited by Hannelore Roemich [i.e. Römich] and Kate Van Lookeren Campagne, Amsterdam, 2013.


- Nineth International Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, 8_10 July 2015, Paris, France. Proceedings published in : Stained-glass: how to take care of a fragile heritage? 9th Forum for the conservation and technology of historic stained-glass, Paris, 8-10 July 2015, Paris : Icomos France, 2015.


Creation date : 06/01/2012 @ 12:33
Last update : 12/01/2014 @ 16:57
Category : - Forums
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