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Claudine Loisel (France)

Vice-President :

Sophie Wolf (Switzerland)

General Secretary :

Sarah Brown (United Kingdom)

Ordinary members of the board :

Keith Barley (United Kingdom)

Sarah Jarron (United Kingdom)

Aletta Rambaut (Belgium)

Ivo Rauch (Germany)


Claudine Loisel (France)

Vice-President :

Sophie Wolf (Switzerland)

General Secretary :

Sarah Brown (United Kingdom)

Ordinary members of the board :

Keith Barley (United Kingdom)

Sarah Jarron (United Kingdom)

Aletta Rambaut (Belgium)

Ivo Rauch (Germany)

Cambridge/Icone_cambridge.jpgNext Forum - 12/02/2017 @ 19:11

Stained Glass: Art at the Surface, Creation, Recognition, Conservation

The 10th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass is to take place at Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge (UK), 3-5 September 2017. It is organised by the Corpus Vitrearum / ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass, in conjunction with the Society of Glass Technology and forms part of the SGT Annual Conference.

Please visit the conference website at:

"Stained Glass : how to take care of a fragile heritage"

The preprints of the 9th Forum on the conservation and technology of historic stained glass are available : here

The conclusions of the Forum are available (in French) : here


Paris/Icone2.pngNext Forum - 19/03/2015 @ 23:06

The next Forum on conservation and technology of historic stained glass will be held in Paris 8-10 July 2015

Stained glass : how to take care of a fragile heritage ?

To register on-line 

Elections 2014 - 12/12/2014 @ 23:51

A new board has been elected in November 2014 : see the chapter Administration

The next international Forum for the conservation and technology of stained glass will be held in Paris 8-10th July 2015.
The topic is : Stained glass, how to take care of a fragile heritage? 
Call for papers

Kings_Manor_Lawn_York2.jpgPrevious meeting of the Committee - 14/06/2014 @ 13:08

The previous meeting of the Committee was held in York, during the XXVIIth International Colloquium of the Corpus vitrearum, on Thursday July 10th 2014

The XXVII colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum international will be held in York (United Kingdom), 7-11 July, 2014. The theme is "Word and image".

The proceedings of the last  Forum on the Conservation and Technology of Historical Stained Glass, held in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 7-10 October 2013, jointly with an interim meeting of the ICOM-CC working group Glass and Ceramics, are available.
Printed copies can be ordered at
for 55 Euro (plus shipping)

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